4 September 2022
Unfortunately, games written in Flash will no longer play in browsers dating from 2021 or more recent. The games are fine in older browsers, such as Mypal. Alternatively, the downloaded Flash games (which are exe files) will run properly. My javascript games, thus far, continue to play well.
23 June 2019
I had written Paper Ships over 20 years ago when newspapers were far different. They had journalists and an independent view. Now, alas, the mass media is a controlled media, so the game (not unlike that of wood ships) is centered in a time long past.
February 6, 2014
ReAnimus Press has published my fantasy novel The Gilded Basilisk, and I'd appreciate anyone who has enjoyed my games to go to (and like) my FB author page and find out more about the novel.
December 12, 2010
Happy Holidays!
My minigolf game 36 Holes Plus and my game Paper Ships are now freeware. You can download 36 Holes Plus or play the full version online. Likewise, You can download Paper Ships or play the full version online.
And with luck I successfully attached and updated all the files and pages, respectively.
November 15, 2009
I've decided to turn my shareware version of Mancala into freeware. Toward that end, I'm putting online the full version of Mancala (that is, it includes the mode of showing stone totals in individual cups, if you so desire it; but the various notes are on a web page of mine to help keep the size smaller). The reasons for all this follow:
A week ago while I was driving in Pennsylvania on the I-80 to pick up Sue, my right-front tire blew out. I managed to make it to a rest stop, where a wonderful person changed the tire for me and then followed behind to make sure I reached the next exit. In the space of a few days, both Sue and I had vehicle breakdowns, and on each occasion, a stranger provided excellent assistance, people whom we had never seen before and probably will never seen again. How to thank them? I can't think of anything truly appropriate, but have decided to make my most popular online game completely free.
September 27, 2009
At the moment I'm being overwhelmed by an abundance of freelancing (in book production), and haven't had the time for much game thinking. But it's there . . . in my mind, and I hope to get to it . . . eventually.
Written in version 5, my Flash games also work in the Flash 6 player as well, on both the Mac and the PC, in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
Chicken Little Saves the Earth!, v. 1.4 (arcade)
Chicken Little Saves the Earth!, v. 2.0 (arcade)
Ten or so years ago, computer games flooded the market: They were simple and fun. Chicken Little allows its hero to blast away at incoming invaders whose evil purpose is to turn the Earth into one vast oilfield.
Mancala (classic board game)
Online: Mancala is perhaps the oldest board game known. Its strategy is simple but allows many variations. If you unfamiliar with Mancala, I've a page of rules. All 48 stones are animated separately. Version 3.5 has a speed control, if you'd prefer faster-moving stones. Version 3.6 adds a random option: if you'd like to play fantasy Mancala, in which each cup has a random number of stones. And 3.7 adds a learning mode, by which you can choose to see individual cup totals.
Download: (NOTE: This game is now freeware as of Nov. 15, 2009; the downloadable version is the full registered version.) The downloadable version includes a pool of 26 individual stone types to make up the 48 stones in the game. Version 3.7 (July 2008) adds a speed option and a fantasy mancala option. The fantasy version randomly distributes the 24 stones for each side at the start of the game. It also includes within the game various notes and a brief history of the game, as well as a learning mode in which a player can see individual cup totals.
MiniGOLF (putt for pleasure)
March 2004: Two versions are available both for online play and downloading.
MiniGOLF: 36 Holes Plus
Online: I now have two online versions (short and full), because the full version is about 100K longer. The short version has the first nine holes from each of the two courses (plus each course's bonus hole); the long version has everything.
Download: The freeware version is what used to be the registered version.
MiniGOLF (original version)
Online: Here we have a 6-hole miniature golf course (plus a bonus hole if a single player scores under par or as a sudden-death playoff for two players) that you can play either by yourself or with another person. Notes and hints.
Download the game to play on your PC or Mac. (Freeware)
Paper Ships: Journalism Ain't Yellow (simulation/strategy)
Online: Image a pond by which people fold paper sailing ships from their favorite newspapers. The paper ships (rated in terms of eighteenth-century warships and having from 100 to 12 cannons) are then launched to see which is superior. In this game, you choose and control one such ship and battle an adversary. The notes page describes the entire game and includes screen shots. The folded newspapers include the New York Times, Al Jazeera, and the Guardian.
Download: The freeware version (called registered in the file) has the complete game, including 16 different ship types, including ones folded from the National Review, Newsday, and the Helsingin Sanomat.
The Shell Game (classic)
The game opens with a pea being shot into one of three shells. The shells move around, and you have to guess under which shell is the pea. Guess correctly twice in a row, fantasy variations occur.
My javascript dates back to 1997 when the main challenge was to guess which elements would work in both Netscape and Internet Explorer. Thus far, these games have held up to the latest updates of both browsers and play both on the PC and the Mac. They've also worked okay on web-tv.
[Mac note: IE 5 and 5.1 hang on the javascript mancala, whereas Mozilla and Netscape work fine.]
Mancala (classic board game)
Mancala is perhaps the oldest board game known. Its strategy is simple but allows many variations. If you unfamiliar with Mancala, I've a page of rules.
Since tic-tac-toe is an easy draw to anyone familiar with the game, I included several variations of increased and decreased difficulty.
Two chess endgame techniques
At the time, chess didn't have a large presence on the web, and the techniques here allow one to queen a pawn (with only two other kings on the board) and to create a passed pawn with three pawns versus three pawns. (I once saw a good player lose a game because he overlooked the latter.)
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