After playing with a bunch of equations to describe different ways of changing color, I found it difficult to pick a favorite. So I thought, Why not let people play with it too? It also seemed fair to mention what the options from the javascript color bar page represent:

Swing color. The swing color changes via a quadratic equation (of high school days), a kind of bell curve. The difference between large, middle, and subtle is the degree of a change, subtle yielding more intermediate values.

Steady color. If nothing else, the steady color is very steady, waving back and forth within its defined limits. Tone choices increase or decrease its overall effect.

The third choice, not defined, is the step color, the leftover from the other two hue choices. The steps move up and down through most of the color scale.

Time. The number of total changes is governed by the time element, which is a subset of the steady color. A longer time interval means more waves of various intensities, so a longer time choice results in additional colors.

Speed. Some variations look better at a slower rate of change, others at a faster one. If nothing else, a long timewise can be kind of long, so speed is a convenient shortcut.

Shifts. After I thought I had finished, it seemed that allowing overall shifts would be fun. Unlike the other choices, each additional click on a color square jumps to an additional option (yes, the table itself was becoming too large!). The swing shift determines the starting point of the parabola, the steady shift is an additional tone control, and the step shift enters on a different point of its cycle.

Incidentally, each color equation has a different period, so there are continual changes occurring at all intervals.

I hope someone else out there also enjoys color changes (and the color bars on this page are from the first equation set written before I planned any of the options.

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