CWC Release
Ronny, a 3-Year-Old Bald Eagle
May 13, 2018


On Feb. 27, 2018, Ronny, a 3-year-old bald eagle, was released in central Pennsylvania.

I have forgotten the details of Ronny's care, but according to Robyn Graboski, the director of Centre Wildlife Care (CWC), Ronny had suffered from a broken wing and lead poisoning.

Ronny - defensive

Ronny was a very lively bald eagle and didn't cooperate that much with Robyn, for whom it took 2 minutes to apprehend the eagle rather than the typical 1 minute.
Robyn, Ronny, and Harold

Robyn and Harold (the ranger involved in first capturing the bald eagle for rehabilitation) stand by the crate containing Ronny.
Ronny on the verge of release

Some bald eagles hesitate before leaving the crate. Not Ronny, who was out in a flash.
Ronny jumps up

Jumping up into the sky.
Ronny sitting

After a very short flight, Ronny settled in the field and considered matters.
Ronny in flight

Then Ronny went into a high-power flight.
Distant Ronny

Ronny leaving us in the distance as she set out on her new life.

I have a 22-photo album at the CWC public page on Facebook (you don't have to be an FB member to see the album).

Photo note: I used a Pentax K20, with the SMC-A 35mm/f2, for the first photo, and a Pentax K3, with the SMC-DA* 60-250mm lens, for the remaining ones, taken on Feb. 27, 2018.

Note 2: Earlier bald eagle releases: Canace (January 2013), Xena (September 2013), Lana (October 2015), Teddy (January 2016), and Phoenix (March 2018).
In January 2016, Zeus the golden eagle was released.

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